Capturing Ben's First Birthday | Cake Smash | Tsawwassen Family Photographer

Baby Ben's first birthday was a special milestone and his family wanted to capture this moment with a photography session. Luckily for them, I'm a Tsawwassen-based family photographer who specializes in capturing these precious moments!

We started off the session with portraiture shots of Baby Ben on his own, then moved onto bringing in the rest of the family for some beautiful group shots. He was all smiles during our time together and everyone had such a great time!

To end off our wonderful session, we did an adorable cake smash that absolutely melted my heart. Even though he had never experienced one before, Baby Ben took to it so naturally - it seemed like he'd done it many times before! It was so much fun to watch him enjoy his first birthday cake and celebrate with everyone present.

The photography session of Baby Ben on his first birthday was truly a special one - I'm so honored that I had the privilege of capturing this moment for him and his family! It's moments like these that remind me why I love what I do, and why being a family photographer in Tsawwassen is such an amazing job.

I'm sure Baby Ben will always look back at these photos fondly when he gets older - they'll be reminders of how loved he has been from the very beginning!